Wednesday, January 1, 2020
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Dr. Thad Wadas has recently joined the faculty of the Department of Radiology in the Carver College of Medicine to lead Small Animal Imaging Core (SAIC).


The SAIC is a unique, world-class, multi-modal imaging research facility located in the lower level of PBDB. The mission for SAIC is to provide University of Iowa Investigators comprehensive imaging support and expertise, to develop new imaging strategies that provide value-added solutions across scientific disciplines and provide the resources that enable researchers to transform their ideas into technologies that have a positive impact on society.


Dr. Wadas comes to us from Wake Forest University School of Medicine where he developed a successful collaborative research effort focusing on the development of radiopharmaceuticals for use in diagnostic clinical imaging, disease detection and cancer therapy, including a unique approach for producing radiolabeled contrast agents for positron emission tomography (PET) scanning. He and his collaborators have received research funding from federal agencies and private foundations. He has very good experience in developing industry partnerships as well. Dr. Wadas will continue his research efforts here. 


He succeeds Dr. John Sunderland as the director of the SAIC. Dr. Sunderland will remain the PET Center director and focus his energies on continuing to manage the growth and expansion of PET imaging in both clinical and research domains.