IIBI Seminars
Please see specific seminar announcements for dates and times.
All IIBI seminars will be presented via Zoom - request link from Kim Glynn.
IIBI Seminar Series
2/11/21 - “Globally Optimal Segmentation of Mutually Interacting Surfaces using Deep Learning," presented by Hui Xie, PhD candidate, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa.
3/11/21 - "Introduction to Analytics in the NICU," presented by Danielle Rios, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, University of Iowa
3/25/21 - "Computer vision method for grading of the health of a fundus image on basis of presence of red lesions," presented by Sayantan Bhattacharya, PhD candidate, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa.
4/8/21 - "Understanding the Black Box: Practical Applications of Explainable AI," presented by Sean Mullan, PhD candidate, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa.
4/15/21 - "Globally Optimal Surface Segmentation in Medical Imaging: From Graph Theory to Deep Learning," presented by Xiaodong Wu, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa.
4/22/21 - "Segmentation Quality Assessment without Ground Truth using Deep Learning," presented by Fahim Zaman, PhD candidate, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa.
5/6/21 - "Assisted annotation in Deep LOGISMOS: Combining deep learning and graph optimization for simultaneous multi-compartment 3D segmentation of calf muscles on MRI," presented by Lichun Zhang, PhD candidate, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa.
9/9/21 - "Interdisciplinary Approach to Personalized Genomic Medicine with Applications of Machine Learning," prestented by Thomas L. Casavant, Professor and Director, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Depts. of Biomedical and Electrical and Computer Engineering, Interdisciplinary PhD program in Genetics, University of Iowa.
9/24/21 - Introduction to Data Programming Python, 2-5 p.m., via Zoom. * Note that this workshop will provide exactly the same content as the one offered in February with the same title. Registration by 9/19/21 on https://forms.gle/Bx11X1koE3mkwWrL6. An email with workshop details will be sent out to registrants prior to each workshop. Please contact Dr. Kang-Pyo Lee at kangpyo-lee@uiowa.edu with questions.
10/14/21 - "Translational PET Imaging of CCR2 in Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer," presented by Yongjian Liu, Assoc. Professor, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis.
10/28/21 - "Targeted Alpha-particle Therapy for Metastatic Uveal Melanoma," presented by David L. Morse, PhD, Associate Member in the Department of Cancer Physiology at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute and Associate Professor in the Department of Oncologic Sciences and Physics, University of South Florida, Tampa.
11/11/21 - "MRI-Guided Radiotherapy Machine Parameter Optimization Using Machine Learning," presented by Nathan Shaffer, PhD student, University of Iowa.
11/19/21 -Machine Learning with Python, 2-5 p.m., via Zoom. Registration by 11/14/21 on https://forms.gle/VFrRse9TcRetTJsDA. An email with workshop details will be sent out to registrants prior to each workshop. Please contact Dr. Kang-Pyo Lee at kangpyo-lee@uiowa.edu with questions.
12/7/21 - "Learning to Make Decisions and Deciding What to Learn," presented by Rafid Mahmood, PhD, AI Resident Researcher, NVIDIA Toronto AI Lab.
12/9/21 - "A Continual Machine Learning Framework for Accelerating Scientific Discovery," presented by Kishlay Jia, PhD candidate, Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia.
12/13/21 - " Tailoring AI for Pulmonary Imaging: Once Size Does Not Fit All," presented by Sarah Gerard, PhD, University of Iowa.
12/14/21 - "Application of Machine Learning Models and Feature Engineering to Predict Genetics," presented by Michael Okwori, Wichita State University, KS
1/21/22 - Text Analytics with Python, 2-5 p.m., via Zoom. Registration by 1/16/22 on https://forms.gle/mrty5yLsXvVNpg9F7. An email with workshop details will be sent out to registrants prior to each workshop. Please contact Dr. Kang-Pyo Lee at kangpyo-lee@uiowa.edu with questions.
2/3/22 - "Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Pipeline for Anatomical Landmark Detection in Minipigs," presented by Michal Brzus, PhD student, University of Iowa.
2/9/22 - "Understanding Osteoarthritis and Early Post-Traumatic Joint Degeneration - Experiences from Mechanical and Imaging Approaches," presented by Jukka Jurvelin, Professor in Medical Physics, Dean for Faculty of Science and Forestry, University of Eastern Finland.
2/9/22 - "Multiscale Imaging-Based in Silico Modeling of Knee Joint Mechanics and Cartilage Degeneration," presented by Rami Korhonen, Professor, Faculty of Science and Forestry, Department of Applied Physics, University of Eastern Finland.
MRRF Seminar Series
12/21/20 - "Silent MRI: What? Why? How?," presented by Tobias Wood, PhD, Kings College, London
1/19/21 - "Translational Research in Imaging in Pulmonary Disease using MRI and CT,"- presented by Sean Fain, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
2/12/21 - "Advanced acquisition and reconstruction techniques for DCE and ASL perfusion MRI," presented by Jim Holmes, PhD, Universiy of Wisconsin-Madison.
2/16/21 - "Technical Methodology for MRI-Base Kinematic Profiling of Wrist Carpal Bones," presented by Kevin Koch, PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin.
3/16/21 - "Quantitative MRI Methods to Detect Early-Stage Ischemic Injury to the Femoral Head," presented by Casey Johnson, PhD, University of Minnesota
4/20/21 - "Shake, Rattle and Jellyroll: Measuring mechanical properties of the hippocampus with magnetic resonance elastography," presented by Brad Sutton, PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
5/18/21 - "Measuring Ventilation and Gas Exchange Rates with Hyperpolarized 129Xe Gas During Tidal Breathing," presented by Hooman Hamedani, Doctoral student, University of Pennsylvania
6/15/21 - "Modeling, Design and Performance of Parallel Transmit and Stretchable Receive Arrays," presented by Joseph Rispoli, PhD, Purdue University
7/20/21 - "A (non-AI) approach to better MRI," presented by James Pipe, PhD, Mayo Clinic
8/17/21 - "Field monitoring: Directly measuring the dynamic field within the MRI scanner to improve image quality," presented by Cameron Cushing, PhD, Skope Magnetic Resonance Technologies
9/21/21 - "Imaging Brain Metabolism - Advances and Clinical Translation of MR Spectroscopy," presented by Yan Li, PhD, UCSF
10/19/21 - "Past, Present and Future MRI Coil Technology," presented by Fraser Robb, PhD, GE Healthcare
11/16/21 - "Deep-Learning Proton-Exchange MR Fingerprinting (X-MRF)," presented by Hye Young Heo, MS, PhD, Johns Hopkins Medicine Department of Radiology
12/21/21 - "Bipolar Disorder and the Cerebellum," presented by Vincent Magnotta, PhD, University of Iowa
1/18/22 - "High Resolution Diffusion MRI and Applications in Neurogenerative Diseases," presented by Allen Song, PhD, Duke University
2/15/22 - "Towards an Era in Precision MRI," presented by Kawin Setsompop, PhD, Stanford University
3/15/22 - Thomas Foo, PhD, GE Global Research
4/19/22 - Charles Dumoulin, PhD, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Fall 2020
9/10/2020 - "Development & Applications of the iQID Camera: A Quantitative, Single-Particle Imaging Detector for small-animal SPECT, Targeted Radionuclide Therapy, Radiation Toxicology, and Geological Sciences," presented by Dr. Brian Miller, PhD, DABR, Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, 3:30 - 4:20 pm, via Zoom.
9/17/2020 - "Graph Convolutional Networks for Molecular Machine Learning," ECE Graduate Seminar presented by Professor Joe Gomes, Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, University of Iowa, 3:30 - 4:20 pm via Zoom.
9/22/2020 - "Characterization and Biomechanical Analysis of Pulmonary Disease Using Varifold-Based CT Image Registration," PhD Thesis Defense presented by Yue "Amanda" Pan, 1:00 - 3:00 pm, via Zoom.
Spring 2019
5/3-5/2019 - Iowa BRAINHACK event (other organs welcome) - learn more and register at bitly.com/uiowabrainhack
4/20/2019 - "Learning Where to Draw the Line: Computer Vision of the Lungs," BME graduate seminar presented by Sarah E. Gerard, PhD candidate, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa, 3:30-4:20 pm, 1505 SC.
4/17-19/2019 - "16th Interdisciplinary Cerebrovascular Symposium - ICS 2019"
4/16/2019 - "Quantitative Dosimetry for Targeted Radionuclide Therapy," BME graduate seminar presented by Emilie Roncali, PhD, Project Scientist, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Univeristy of California - Davis, 11:00am-12:00 pm, Franken Conference Room, 3900 JPP (BME faculty candidate)
4/15/2019 - "Advanced MRI Methods for Early Injury Detection in Developmental Joint Disorders," IIBI seminar presented by Casey Johnson, PhD, University of Minnesota Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, 11am-12;00 pm, Franken Conference room, 3900 JPP (3rd floor UIHC, across from Elevator I)
4/9/2019 - "Expanding the Reach of Electroretinography, Fast," BME graduate seminar presented by John R. Hetling, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, 3:30-4:20 pm, 2229 SC.
4/2/2019 - "Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials in 3M Corporate R&D," BME graduate seminar presented by Jason W. Bork, PhD, 3M Corpoate Research Materials Laboratory, 3:30-4:20 pm, 2229 SC.
3/28/2019 - "The Linnux Kernel: how to protect your *aaS," presented by Tycho J. Andersen, Technical Lead, Cisco Systems, 3:30-4:20pm, 2229 SC
3/26/2019 - "MRI-based accelerated 4D flow imaging to evaluate patients with aortic valve disease," BME graduate seminar presented by Rizwan Ahmad, PhD, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Ohio State University, 3:30-4:20pm 2229 SC
3/14/2019 - "Better-than-Worst-Case Timing Design for Arithmetic Circuits," ECE graduate seminar presented by Prof. Adit Sing, Dept. of Electricla and Computer Engineering, Auburn University, 3:30-4:20pm, 2229 SC
3/7/2019 - "Bio-inspired Micro-Optical Imaging," ECE graduate seminar presented by Prof. Hongrui Jiang, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 3:30-4:20pm, 2229 SC
2/28/2019 - "Augmented Reality and Cyber-physical Systems," ECE graduate seminar presented by Prof. Yang Liu, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univeristy of Iowa, 3:30-4:20pm, 2229 SC
2/7/2019 - "Variable/Feature Selection for Nonlinear Nonparametric Systems," ECE graduate seminar presented by Prof. Erwei Bai, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 3:30-4:20pm, 2229 SC
1/24/2019 - "Design of active and passive photonic devices for applications in biosensing," ECE graudate seminar presented by Professor Fatima Toor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, 3:30-4:20 pm, 2229 SC
Fall 2018
12/6/2019 - "Real-time, Accurate 3D Video Communications," ECE graduate seminar presented by Prof. Tyler Bell, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, 3:30-4:20pm, 2217 SC
11/30/2018 - "Deep Learning Meets Graph Segmentation: Exploring Mutually Reinforcing Paradigms for Improved Quantitative Medical Image Analysis," PhD comprehensive exam presented by Zhuhui Guo, PhD Candidate, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, 8:30-10:30 am, L438-PBDB
11/29/2018 - "Plug-In SGD: Using Learned Priors for Large-Scale Image Formation," presented by Ulugbek Kamilov, Asst. Professor and Director of Computational Imaging Group (CIG) at Washington University, St. Louis, 3:30-4:20 pm, 2217 Seamans Center
9/27/2018 - "Discovering Structural Markers from MRI using Transport-Based Morphometry," presented by Shinji Kundu, MD, PhD, Dept. of Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 3:30-4:20 pm, 2217 SC
9/20/2018 - What's New! in Radiology lecture, presented by Sajan Goud Lingala, Asst. Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa
9/6/2018 - "Deep Learning Meets Graph: Towards Improved Medical Image Analysis," presented by Zhihui Guo, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, 3:30-4:20 pm, 2217 Seamans Center
9/4/2018 - "Seeing speech: Visualizing vocal tract shaping with real-time magnetic resonance imaging," BME Graduate Seminar presented by Sajan Goud Lingala, Asst. Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa, 3:30 - 4:20 pm, 2229 Seamans Center.
9/4/2018 - "Improving Functional Avoidance Radiation Therapy by Image Registration," PhD Thesis Defense presented by Wei Shao, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1:45 - 3:30 pm, 5602 Seamans Center. Advisor, Professor Gary Christensen.
8/31/2018 - "Imaging and Interpretation Challenges in Pulmonary Hypertension: Machine Learning and Beyond," Pulmonary Research Conference presented by Dr. Andrew Swift, University of Sheffield, UK, 12:00 - 1:00 pm, Urmila Sahai Seminar Room, 2117 MERF.
8/30/2018 - "Fast MRI using image structure learning," Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Seminar presented by Mathews Jacob, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, 3:30 - 4:20 pm, 2217 Seamans Center.
8/30/2018 - "Imaging and Interpretation Challenges in Pulmonary Hypertension: Machine Learning and Beyond," Radiology Research Conference presented by Dr. Andrew Swift, University of Sheffield, UK, 5:00 - 6:00 pm, Franken Conference Room, 3567 JCP.
Spring 2018
5/18/2018 - "Is CT and MRI Texture Analysis Ready for Prime Time?" - Insight Lecture presented by Dr. Balaji Ganeshan, CEO of TexRad ltd and Director of New Business, Feedback Plc, Senior Imaging Scientist at the Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College of London, 12:00-1:00 pm, Franken Conference Room, 3567 JCP.
4/12/2018 - "Low spatial coherence lasers for speckle-free imaging," Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Seminar presented by Dr. Brandon Redding, Naval Research Lab, Washington, D.C., 3:30-4:20 pm, Room 2229 SC.
3/22/2018 - "Bone Micro-Structure and Osteoporitic Imaging - Recent Developments and Translational Studies," presented by Punam Saha, PhD, Professor, Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Radiology, University of Iowa, 3:30-4:20pm, 2229 SC
3/20/2018 - "How to talk with Patient: Breaking the bad news," presented by Jennifer Ann Harvey, MD, FACR, Professor of Radiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 7:00-8:00 am, Franken Conference Room, 3567 JCP
3/19/2018 - "Grand Rounds - Are we ready for risk-based screening?" presented by Jennifer Ann Harvey, MD, FACR, Professor of Radiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 5:00-6:00 pm, Braley Conference Room, 01136 PFP
3/19/2018 - "Breast Percutaneous Biopsy: Rad-Path and Decision Making," presented by Jennifer Ann Harvey, MD, FACR, Professor of Radiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 12:00-1:00 pm, Franken Conference Room, 3567 JCP
3/6/2018 - "Computational Approaches for Efficient MRI: Applications in Neuroscience Research," presented by Merry Mani, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa - 12:30-1:30 pm, 1459 PBDB
3/5/2018 - "Multiple mouse MRI for quantitative measurement of Neuroanatomy following Chemotherapy," presented by Leigh Spencer Noakes, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, 12:00-1:00 pm, 2117 MERF
12/4/17 – “Deep Machine Learning: Radiology’s Brave New World,” presented by Christopher Filippi, MD, Columbia University.
11/21/17 – “Computational Approaches for Efficient MRI: Applications in Neuroscience Research,” presented by Merry Mani, PhD, University of Iowa, Department of Radiology.
11/17/17 – “Pushing the limits spectroscopic imaging using novel reconstruction themes,” PhD thesis defense presented by Ipshita Bhattacharya, University of Iowa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
11/17/17 – “NMR Spectroscopy Studies of Protein Stability, States and Interactions,” presented by Jia Xu, PhD, University of Missouri, Columbia.
11/2/17 – “Constrained imaging enables novel translational applications in multi-dimensional MRI,” presented by Sajan Lingala, PhD, Siemens Healthineers.
10/30/17 – “Translational Imaging Tools in Neuroscience Research,” presented by Harish Poptani, PhD, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.
10/25/17 – “ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guidance for Non-Invasive Ultrasonic Surgeries,” presented by Steve Allen, PhD, University of Virginia.
10/5/17 – “Airway Mucus: A Key to Understanding Asthma, COPD, CF and IPF,” presented by Burton Dickey, MD, University of Texas – MD Anderson Cancer Center.
9/28/17 – “Whole Body Photon Counting CT: Concept and Initial Experience,” presented by Ahmed Halaweish, PhD, Siemens Healthcare.
9/21/17 – “Technology Applications, development of clinical protocols, as well as research into novel uses of technology,” presented by Dee H. Wu, University of Oklahoma.
8/1/17 – “Understanding the Dynamics of Sleep Apnea with MRI and Computational Fluid Dynamics,” presented by Alister Bates, PhD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
7/11/17 – “MRI Fat Water Separation using Graph Search Based Models,” PhD thesis defense presented by Chen Cui, University of Iowa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
6/15/17 – “Current- and Varifold-Based Lung Image Registration,” presented by Gary Christensen, PhD, University of Iowa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
4/13/17 – “Multiple Surface Segmentation Using Novel Deep Learning and Graph-Based methods,” PhD thesis defense presented by Abhay Shah, University of Iowa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
4/12/17 – “Longitudinal Medical Imaging Approaches for Characterization of Porcine Cancer Models,” PhD thesis defense by Emily Hammond, University of Iowa, Department of Biomedical Engineering.
2/9/17 – “Graphical Models meet Spectral and Kernal Clustering,” presented by Yuri Boykov, PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
2/8/17 – “Machine Learning in a graph framework for subcortical segmentation,” presented by Zhihui Guo, PhD, University of Iowa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
2/1/17 – “Advances in x-ray imaging,” presented by Ge Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
1/25/17 – “Brain network dynamics of cognitive control: Integrating multimodal neuroimaging and developmental studies,” Kai Huang, PhD, University of California, Berkeley.
Spring 2016
- 5/5/2016 - "Research Computing at Iowa," presented by Ben Rogers, Director, University of Iowa ITS - Research Services.
- 4/27/2016 - "Comprehensive Assessment and Characterization of Pulmonary Acinar Morphometry using Multi-Resolution Micro X-Ray Computed Tomography," PhD Thesis defense presented by Abhilash Srikumar Kizhakke Puliyakote, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 3:30 pm, Franken Conference Room, 3567 JCP.
- 4/20/2016 - "Pushing the boundaries: Feature extraction from the lung improves pulmonary nodule classification," PhD thesis defense presented by Samantha K.N. Dilger, PhD candidate, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 9:00 am, 1117 MERF.
- 4/14/2016 - No seminar due to ISBI 2016 meeting
4/7/2016 - IIBI-PBI forum Part 3 discussionSeminar CANCELLED- 4/5/2016 - IIBI-PBI forum Part 2 discussion, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m., room 6300 PBDB (note time and location)
- 4/1/2016 - "An automated tissue classification pipeline for magnetic resonance images of infant brains using age-specific atlases and level set segmentation," MS thesis defense presented by Andrew Metzger, Department of Psychiatry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
- 3/31/2016 - IIBI-PBI forum Part 1
- 3/25/2016 - "Constrained Reconstruction in MRI: Novel translational applications in clinical neuro-imaging, and speech science," presented by Sajan Goud Lingala, PhD, Post-doctoral Research Associate, Magnetic Resonance Engineering Laboratory (MREL), Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles.
- 3/24/201 - "Estimation of Papilledema Severity Using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography," PhD Thesis defense presented by Ju-Kai Wang, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
- 3/23/2016 - "Efficient Optimization for Labeling Problems with Prior Information: Applications to Natural and Medical Images," PhD thesis defense presented by Junjie Bai, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
- 2/25/2016 - "Computational Imaging Methods for Emerging Bio-Imaging Methods," presented by Mark A. Anastasio, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Washington University in St. Louis, School of Engineering and Applied Science.
- 2/18/2016 - "Comprehensive serial study of dynamic remodeling and atherosclerotic coronary arteries using IVUS," SPIE practice talk presented by Zhi Chen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
- 2/18/2016 - "Automated tissue classification of pediatric brains from magnetic resonance images using age-specific atlases," SPIE practice talk presented by Andrew Metzger, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
- 2/18/2016 - "A semiautomatic framework of measuring pulmonary arterial metrics at anatomic airway locations using CT imaging," SPIE practice talk presented by Dakai Jin, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
- 2/11/2016 - "Tissue Classification of Large-scale Multi-site MR Data Using Fuzzy k-Nearest Neighbor Method," SPIE practice talk presented by Ali Ghayoor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
- 2/11/2016 - "Comparative study of multimodal intra-subject image registration methods on a publicly available database," SPIE practice talk presented by Ali Ghayoor and Mohammad Saleh-Miri, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
- 2/11/2016 - "A Multimodal Machine-Learning Graph-Based Approach for Segmenting Glaucomatous Optic nerve Head Structures from SD-OCT Volumes and Fundus Photographs," PhD thesis defense presented by Mohammad Saleh-Miri, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
- 1/25/2016 - "Longitudinal characterization of procine cancer models," PhD comprehensive exam presented by Emily Hammond, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Fall 2015
9/3/2015 - "Lung Image Registration and Analysis," presented by Gary Christensen, MS, DSc, Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. This will be a joint IIBI - ECE grad seminar will be held from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. in 3505 Seamans Center.
9/10/2015 - 5th Annual Geoffrey McLennan Visiting Lectureship in Pulmonary Disease and Biomedical Imaging, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Medical Alumni Auditorium, E331-GH. "New Pathways of Inflammatory Injury Leading to Ubiquitim-Based Small Molecule Discovery," presented by Rama Mallampalli, MD, UPMC Endowed Professor and Vice Chair for Research; Chief, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine; Director, Acute Lung Injury Center for Excellence, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh.
9/10/2015 - "Just Enough Interaction (JEI) techniques for semi-automated analysis of Knee MRI: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative," and "Longitudinal 4D Cartilage Segmentation of Knee MRI: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative," will be presented by Satyananda Kashyap, PhD candidate, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa.
9/17/2015 - No seminar
9/24/2015 - "Multiple Surface Segmentation Using Truncated Convex Priors," presented by Abhay Shah
10/1/2015 - MICCAI practice talks given by Sarah Gerard and Mohammed Miri-Saleh/Ali Gayoor
10/8/2015 - No seminar - MICCAI conference
10/19/2015 - "The SURE-LET Methodology for Image Denoising," presented by Thierry Blu, Chinese University of Hong Kong..
10/29/2015 - "Intra-operative Methods for computer Assisted Fracture Reduction," presented by Andrew Kern, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Iowa.
11/5/2015 - GIT workshop, presented by Adam Harding, Application Programmer/Analyst, University of Iowa.
11/9/2015 - GIT workshop, 1:30 - 3:00 pm, IMU Michigan Room, presented by Hans Johnson, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa.
11/12/2015 - "Advances in rotating shield brachytherapy treatment planning and delivery system development," presented by Xiaodong Wu, Depts. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Radiation Oncology, and Ryan Flynn, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, University of Iowa.
11/19/2015 -
11/26/2015 - No seminar, Thanksgiving break
12/3/2015 - Dan Thedens
12/10/2015 - Anubha Gupta
Spring 2015
1/22/15 - "Beowulf Clusters: From Research Curiosities to Exascale," presented by Dan Reed, Vice President for Research and Economic Development at the University of Iowa - 1:00 - 2:15 p.m. in 2520D UCC. Further details are available here: http://hpc.uiowa.edu/recent-news/beowulf-clusters-research-curiosity-exascale . HPC operations team members will be available after the event if you wish to ask questions or provide feedback about queuing policy, two factor authentication, or other HPC related items.
1/29/15 - "Algorithms Design Using Spectral Graph Theory," joint IIBI-Electrical & Computer Engineering Graduate Seminar presented by Prof. Richard Peng, PhD, of MIT. This semiminar will be held from 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. in room 3505 Seamans Center.
2/5/15 - "High resolution approaches to neuronal connectivity: the technical, theoretical and clinical relevance of inner ear connection analysis," presented by Bernd Fritzsch PhD, DEO of the Department of Biology, Director of the Center on Aging and Director of the Aging Mind and Brain Initiative, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa. https://www.biology.uiowa.edu/labs/fritzsch/
2/12/15 - SPIE practice talks by Jason Agne and Ling Zhang
2/19/15 - SPIE practice talks by Ipek Oguz and Ling Zhang
2/26/15 - SPIE conference, no seminar
3/12/15 - No Seminar
3/19/15 - Spring break, no seminar
3/26/15 - Samantha Dilger, University of Iowa
4/2/15 - No Seminar
4/8/15 - Krishna Iyer thesis defense
4/16/15 - College of Engineering Research Day
4/23/15 - - “Novel Use of Video and Image Analysis in a Video Compression System," MS thesis defense by David Stobaugh.
4/30/15 - Steve Mitchell, Componica
Fall 2014
9/5/14 - "Toward an interdisciplinary Analysis Framework for Cartilage: Formulations, Experiments and Examples," David M. Pierce, PhD, Asst. Professor, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
9/10/14 - "Prediction of Treatment Response from Retinal OCT in Patients with Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration," Hrvoje Bogunovic, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 2:00 - 3:00 p.m., Kelch Board Room, 1289 CBRB.
9/12/14 - "The development of image science for medical diagnosis," Michael F. Insana, new Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TMI, and Professor of Engineering, Departments of Bioengineering and ECE, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 11 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Kelch Board Room, 1289 CBRB.
9/18/14 - "Personalized Medicine, Historical and Ethical Considerations," Jacob Sznajder, MD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Medicul Alumni Auditorium, E331-GH.
9/26/14 - "LOGISMOS-B: Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces for the Brain," Ipek Oguz, PhD, Asst. Research Scientist/Engineer, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
10/2/14 - "Relationships of retinal structure and Humphrey 24-2 visual field thresholds in patients with glaucoma," Hrvoje Bogunovic, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
10/9/14 - No seminar
10/16/14 - "Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging - Overview of research capabilities and collaborative opportunities," presented by Milan Sonka, PhD, Director, Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging from 9:30-10:00 a.m. "Translational Imaging Across Fields and Species," presented by Vincent Magnotta, PhD, Director of MR Research Facility from 10:00-10:15 a.m.; and "Changing Medicine, Changes Lives® in a Changing Healthcare Landscape,” presented by Jean Robillard, MD, Vice President for Medical Affairs' from 10:30-11:00 a.m.
10/23/14 - GE 7T Lecture Series, Gary Gold, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
10/29-30/14 - "Higher-order and non-submodular segmentation functionals: Entropy, Color, Consistency, Curvature, Convexity, etc.," presented by Yuri Boykov, PhD, Associate Professor of Computer Science, and Lena Gorelick, PhD, Research Scientist, University of Western Ontario, Canada.10/31/14 - "Dry AMD: Challenges and perspectives from imaging," presented by Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Professor and Chair, Department of Ophthalmology, University Eye Hospital, Vienna, Austria.
11/6/14 - "Non-invasive diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension with contrast-enhanced computed tomography," presented by Michael Pienn, PhD student, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Lung Vascular Research, Graz, Austria.
11/14/14 (Friday) - "Pre-clinical and clinical imaging with optical coherence tomography," presented by Brett Bouma, PhD, Professor of Dermatology and Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard Medical School, and Associate Physicist in the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital.
11/18/14 - Slicer Wokshop, Hardin Library for Health Sciences, Info Commons West.
11/20/14- "Transmural differences of coronary branches and collateral vessels assessed with 3D cryomicrotome imaging," presented by Maria Siebes, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This seminar is presented in collaboration with Abboud Cardiovascular Center. Location: Urmila Sahai Auditorium, 2117 MERF.
11/27/14 - No seminar - Thanksgiving break
12/4/14 - "Personalized Blood Flow Simulation from an Image-Derived Model: Changing the Paradigm for Cardiovascular Diagnostics," presented by Leo Grady, PhD, Vice President for Research and Development at HeartFlow.
12/11/14 - no seminar
12/18/14 - no seminar